Suicide Prevention

If you have been marginalized, abused, assaulted, bullied or belittled, you are welcomed, and can find help here.

If you doubt yourself, have flashbacks, have trouble with relationships, have hurt yourself, or wonder if you deserve happiness, you are welcomed and can find help here.

If you feel shame, or guilt, have made difficult decisions, question your sanity or worry about everything, you are welcomed and can find help here.

If you are gay, straight, transgendered or questioning, and want a safe place to explore yourself, you are welcomed and can find help here.

If you feel sad, angry, lost, alone, confused, scared, or if you are grieving, you are welcomed and can find help here.

No problem is “too small” and no issue is too trivial, your pain is not less important than any other person’s pain, you are welcomed and can find help here.

Above all, know you are welcomed, you will be respected, your pain will be validated without judgment. You are welcomed. YOU can find help here.

Please share if you know someone who might benefit.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline